Call for abstracts

Alongside the classical full paper submission format, SCIA 2025 offers authors the opportunity to submit either novel or recently published works in abstract form. We welcome abstracts in the topics specified in the Call for papers.

Accepted abstracts will not be be published in the proceedings, but their titles and authors will appear in the conference program. The abstracts will be presented as posters, providing an excellent opportunity to showcase novel or recently published work.

Submission dates

  • Abstract submission opens: February 1, 2025
  • Abstract submission deadline: February 27, 2025
  • Notification of acceptance date: March 21, 2025

See all important dates here.


You should submit using the Conference Management Toolkit (CMT) website, link to SCIA at CMT. Please select the track SCIA2025-Abstracts.

The review process is double-blind with a single round. Please refer to the Review Process for paper manuscripts (here) regarding plagiarism, conflicts of interest, and LLM usage.

When submitting, select the Abstracts track and the appropriate area in the submission form. Ensure all co-authors are aware of and have contributed to the work.

Abstracts must be submitted in English.

Manuscript format

  1. Write the title in sentence case, with a maximum of 15 words including spaces. Do not end the title with a period.
  2. Include 3-5 keywords describing your work.
  3. The abstract text must not exceed 1,000 words and should be structured with these four sections:
    1. Background including aims. You can include clear research questions or hypotheses.
    2. Methods. Including clear, succinct descriptions of what was done. You can include equations.
    3. Results. Quantitative data with proper statistical information (i.e. standard deviation, mean standard error, p-values).
    4. Conclusions. Concise closing remarks based on the evidence presented in the Results section. Do not overstate the results. The conclusions should address the question/hypothesis stated in the Background section.
  4. Graphics. You may include one graphic and one table in a Graphics section at the end. The abstract text itself cannot contain tables or graphs. Please ensure all visual content is clear and concise.
  5. Include up to 5 references in the References field. In the abstract text, cite references using sequential numbers in brackets (e.g., [1], [2, 4]), numbered in order of appearance.
  6. Use standard abbreviations. When introducing special or unusual abbreviations, place them in parentheses after the full term’s first use.
  7. Use numerals instead of spelling out numbers.
  8. Registration of authors. The submitted manuscript should not contain names, titles, affiliations, etc. to adhere to the anonymization rules of the review process.

You can use the same LaTex template for the paper manuscript, just make sure to include only the sections stated above.